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NEXTjourney Blog

Break Free from Unhealthy Mindsets

Jun 6, 2023 | Mental Wellness | 0 comments

As we move farther away from the the pandemic, it’s getting easier to believe that it didn’t affect us as much as it did. While there are many aspects that are coming to a close, there’s one factor that’s not going away: the damaging effects it had on our mental health.

The pandemic brought years of trauma and mental health complications for many, but it’s something that’s rarely discussed any more. How has the pandemic affected our society’s mental health? And how can we break free from the harm it did to having a healthy mindset?

Physical & Mental Health

Physical health was an important topic during the start of the pandemic, but mental health was also severely impacted. From high unemployment rates to isolation and financial insecurity, there were so many factors that heavily played into the generalized mental health decline.

For many, the pandemic mindset is still a reality. While some things have returned to the way they were before the pandemic, it’s impossible to say that its impacts aren’t still prevalent in our society.

Summer is coming up and that’s the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf. If you’re ready to break free from any unhealthy or harmful mindset and start a new chapter, congratulations! You’ve made the first step towards transforming your life. Keep reading for practical ways you can take back your power and improve your mental health.

Digital Boundaries

If you’re like most people, you probably spend the majority of the day looking at a screen. While it can certainly be fun to watch cute animal videos or find new recipes to try, it can also be easy to fall into the habit of “doom scrolling”.

Getting caught up in negativity online can feel unavoidable, so sometimes it’s best to set some digital boundaries. Only looking through social media at certain times of the day or having “off days” where you don’t scroll at all can do wonders for your mental health. Also setting a timer for how long you spend can make your online activities more focused and productive.

Let Go of Guilt

If you’re still experiencing effects from the pandemic, it can be difficult to not guilt yourself. Whether you’re struggling to be in large crowds or return to work, it’s important to be gentle and kind with yourself. Letting go of guilt will allow you to move forward in a productive way, so you can focus on what really matters to you.

Appreciate Abundance

When someone has a scarcity mindset, they sometimes believe certain things like happiness and success only exist in finite amounts. Holding onto this belief can make you jealous and insecure when you see others being happy.

By welcoming abundance into your life, you can develop a positive mindset and acknowledge that you’re in control of your own destiny.

It’s This Simple

Changing your mindset and overcoming mental barriers can be challenging. If you’re not sure where to start, why not learn from an expert?

NEXTjourney was created by Marlise Karlin, a trauma expert, mental health advocate and international author. She specializes in overcoming trauma at its source (cellular memory) and developed remarkably effective and yet simple, holistic solutions, in a series of online programs.

Through these programs, you can break free from trauma and become the best version of yourself. If you’re ready to get started, ORIGINjourney is a great place to begin.

This 7 Step program activates a dormant Potential, so you can clear the cellular junk causing a negative mindset and increase conscious intelligence to create a life you love.

And since most people appreciate personal support on their journey, Marlise has included 4 FREE live mentoring sessions with ORIGINjourney.

It’s never too late to break free from harmful and unhealthy mindsets that are holding you back. Join the countless thousands worldwide who have transformed their lives with the evidence-based technique Marlise developed! You will be so glad you did.

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